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Bo Joel Svensson
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Absolute time interrupts, mailboxes and memory-pools in ChibiOS

In this text I share the results of a recent experiment with some ChibiOS concepts (mailbox and memory-pool) as well as some "custom" configuration of a TIM timer. ChibiOs provides GPT drivers and as I understand it you can use those to set relative time interrupt either recurring or one-shot. However, I wanted one-shot absolute time interrupt, that is an interrupt that fires at a specific count value of the counter.

I am told there may be benefits to absolute count interrupts compared to relative. Of course, in an application where you have interrupts that recur every n ticks of the ticks, setting a recurring GPT should be just fine. So the use-case for this setup is slightly different, imagine having a set of things to do at specific times relative the starting the time of the application. If you can only set an interrupt relative to the current time (such as 500ticks into the future from now), then the computing and setting of these relative offsets may introduce some jitter and potentially an accumulating drift of your schedule. This is because the timer keeps counting while you are handling the interrupt, so the time you compute for the next interrupt becomes dependent on when you read out the counter value.

So, the plan is to implement an absolute time interrupt that sends a message (allocated on a memory-pool) to a mailbox. A thread will wait (block) on the mailbox until there is a message.

Configure TIM5 for absolute time interrupts

To begin with, let's configure TIM5 (one of the 32bit counters of the STM32) into compare mode. My guess is that the ChibiOS GPT drivers will do pretty much the same, but then only (as far as I can tell) expose an API for setting relative interrupts. Since we are not using the GPTs, we will do this configuration using a lower level API supplied by ChibiOS.

We need to include two files.

#include "stm32_tim.h" 
#include "stm32_rcc.h"

One thing that the stm32_tim.h header provides is a struct that maps onto the register structure for configuration of the TIM, very helpful! I show this struct below augmented with some comments.

typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t     CR1;      // Control register 1
volatile uint32_t     CR2;      // Control register 2
volatile uint32_t     SMCR;     // Slave mode control register
volatile uint32_t     DIER;     // DMA/Interrupt enable register
volatile uint32_t     SR;       // Status register
volatile uint32_t     EGR;      // Event generation register
volatile uint32_t     CCMR1;    // Capture/Compare mode register 1
volatile uint32_t     CCMR2;    // Capture/Compare mode register 2
volatile uint32_t     CCER;     // Capture/Compare enable register
volatile uint32_t     CNT;      // Count register.
volatile uint32_t     PSC;      // Prescaler (1 - 65535).
volatile uint32_t     ARR;      // Auto reload register.
volatile uint32_t     RCR;      
volatile uint32_t     CCR[4];   // Compare/Capture registers.
volatile uint32_t     BDTR;
volatile uint32_t     DCR;      // DMA control register
volatile uint32_t     DMAR;     // DMA Address for full transfer
volatile uint32_t     OR;       // Option register.
volatile uint32_t     CCMR3;    // Capture/compare mode register 3 
volatile uint32_t     CCXR[2];
} stm32_tim_t;

The RCC stands for "Reset and Clock Control". There are two registers in the RCC group that are involved in the TIM configuration, these are called RCC_APB1ENR and RCC_APB1RSTR. The RCC_APB1ENR register has enable bits for the TIMs and the RCC_APB1RSTR has reset bits. We wont deal with these registers immediately as ChibiOS provides the functions rccEnableTIM5 and rccResetTIM5 that performs the appropriate interaction with the RCC.

The TIM5 counter configuration will follow this plan:

  1. Enable and reset TIM5.
  2. Enable the interrupt vector associated with TIM5 in the nvic.
  3. Get a handle to the TIM5 registers.
  4. Configure the TIM5 Prescaler (a factor to divide down the input clock by).
  5. Configure the TIM5 reload registers (the maximum number).
  6. Activate "compare"
  7. Activate interrupt
  8. Init, update and start.

There are 4 different CCR, compare/capture registers where a value can be set and used to trigger an interrupt if interrupts are activated on that channel. This application will only use of those.

The TIM CR1 register configures if the counter is up- or down-counting and is also used to start the counter. There are 9 configurable bits in the CR1 register and we are going to set all of these to zero (to start with). At the end, bit 0 of CR1 is set to one to start enable the TIM.

The TIM EGR register has an "update generation" bit. It seems that after making changes to the other TIM registers, this "update generation" bit should be set to make the updates stick immediately.

Below you find the setup_timer function that I use with comments. I also define a global tim5 pointer as the low level interface to set new "alarms" (set new interrupt time).

stm32_tim_t *tim5 = NULL;

void setup_timer(void) {

  nvicEnableVector(STM32_TIM5_NUMBER, STM32_GPT_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY); /* use GPT level prio */

  tim5 = STM32_TIM5;  /* gives direct access to the tim5 registers */

  tim5->PSC = 0xFFFF;     /* counter rate is input_clock / (0xFFFF+1) */
  tim5->ARR = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Value when counter should flip to zero. */

  tim5->CCR[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* init compare values */ 
  tim5->CCR[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* CCR[1] - CCR[3] are irrelevant */
  tim5->CCR[2] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  tim5->CCR[3] = 0xFFFFFFFF;

  tim5->CCER |= 0x1; /* activate compare on ccr channel 1 */
  tim5->DIER |= 0x2; /* interrupt enable register */
  tim5->CR1 &= ~0x1FF; /* zero out the low 9 bits */
  tim5->CNT = 0;       /* initialize counter value to 0 */
  tim5->EGR |= 0x1; /* Update event (Makes all the configurations stick) */
  tim5->CR1 |= 0x1; /* enable */


Implementation of the interrupt service routine for the TIM will come later. There is a bit of plumbing to sort out first (mailbox and memory-pool).

Set an absolute time interrupt

To set a new absolute time for an interrupt use set_ccr_tim5. This function just sets a new value in the tim5->CCR register.

void set_ccr_tim5(int ix, uint32_t c_value) {
  if (ix >= 0 && ix <= 3) {
    tim5->CCR[ix] = c_value;

To handle the case where no alarm at all is set better, maybe one should disable interrupts in the tim5->DIER in those cases.

Configure mailbox and memory-pool

The mailbox in ChibiOS can receive messages that are as large as a pointer. So, we can send any 32 bit value without the need of a memory-pool to hold messages if that is what we want. You can also send a message to a mailbox which is a pointer to a chunk of memory and this is the case that will be implemented here.

The messages we send to the mailbox will just be the current value of the counter as a starting point. I imagine that in the future we may want to send additional information in this message to tell what kind of interrupt was fired. Maybe we will want to use all 4 CCR registers for example and then need to be able to encode into the message which one went off.

The messages sent will be of the following type:

typedef struct {  /* message type */ 
  uint32_t tick;

Below I use the ChibiOS macros for defining a static mailbox and memory-pool. There are more dynamic interfaces as well.

#define MAX_MESSAGES 64

msg_t box_contents[MAX_MESSAGES]; /* mailbox storage */
MAILBOX_DECL(mb, box_contents, MAX_MESSAGES);

timer_tick_t tick_storage[MAX_MESSAGES];

The mailbox can hold 64 messages that are all of type msg_t (which is large enough to hold a pointer).

The memory-pool, called tick_pool is backed up by an array of 64 timer_tick_t. MEMORYPOOL_DECL takes the following arguments:

  1. Memory-pool name.
  2. Number of chunks of memory available to the pool.
  3. Alignment of chunks of memory.
  4. A memory allocation function in case the pool can grow (as I understand it). NULL in this case.

Sending and receiving mail

To send a mail to the mailbox, a timer_tick_t object is allocated from the tick_pool. If this allocation succeeds, the address of that object is sent to the mailbox using chMBPostI. If sending the mail fails, the timer_tick_t object is returned to the memory-pool using chPoolFree.

static bool send_mail(timer_tick_t t) {
  /* will be called from inside of the timer interrupt */
  bool r = true; /*success*/
  timer_tick_t *m = (timer_tick_t*)chPoolAllocI(&tick_pool);
  if (m) { 
    *m = t;
    msg_t msg_val = chMBPostI(&mb, (msg_t)m);
    if (msg_val != MSG_OK) {  /* failed to send */
      chPoolFree(&tick_pool, m);
      r = false;
  return r;

The send_mail function will later be called from within the interrupt handler for the timer. So it is important to use variants of the pool allocation function and mailbox post function that can be called from an ISR. As I understand it the functions postfixed with an I fall in this category.

The function that receives mail is called block_mail because it is a blocking receive. To make a non-blocking variant the timeout on chMBFetchTimeout should be something else than TIME_INFINITE.

static bool block_mail(timer_tick_t *t) {

  bool r = true;
  msg_t msg_val;

  int m = chMBFetchTimeout(&mb, &msg_val, TIME_INFINITE);

  if (m == MSG_OK) {
    *t = *(timer_tick_t*)msg_val;

    chPoolFree(&tick_pool, msg_val); /* free the pool allocated pointer */
  } else {
    r = false;
  return r;

block_mail tries to fetch a mail from the box. If this is successful, the message received is a pointer to a timer_tick_t object. The contents of this timer_tick_t object is copied into a local copy and then the message pointer is returned to the memory-pool.

The interrupt service routine

Now all the plumbing is in place and we can implement the interrupt service routine!

  uint32_t sr = tim5->SR;
  sr &= tim5->DIER & STM32_TIM_DIER_IRQ_MASK;
  tim5->SR = ~sr;  

  timer_tick_t t; 
  t.tick = tim5->CNT;


The interrupt service routine does three main things. To start with the routine isolates the bit in the SR (Status Register) corresponding to the interrupt we enabled in the DIER and clears this bit. My understanding of this is a bit vague, I assume that the interrupt raises a bit in the SR to indicate which kind of interrupt happened and that we can use this to discriminate between different kinds. Clearing the bit that was set may be done simply so that we wont confuse ourselves the next time we get an interrupt (that is if we had more than one CCR activated for example).

  uint32_t sr = tim5->SR;
  sr &= tim5->DIER & STM32_TIM_DIER_IRQ_MASK;
  tim5->SR = ~sr;  

Next the current count of the counter is read out and stored in a timer_tick_t

 timer_tick_t t; 
  t.tick = tim5->CNT;

This timer_tick_t is sent to the mailbox.


send_mail has to be wrapped in osalSys(Un)LockFromIsr even if the I postfix is present!

Mail receiving thread

The thread that receives mail just implements a little demo. An array of 5 alarm-times is used to schedule absolute time interrupts.

uint32_t alarms[5] = { 1357, 2596, 5679, 8000, 10101 };

The idea is that when the first mail arrives, we process it and then we schedule the next timer interrupt.

In ChibiOS you create a thread by creating a "thread working area" and a thread_t object.

static THD_WORKING_AREA(thread_wa, 1024); 
static thread_t *thread;

Then using the THD_FUNCTION macro to declare the function which is the entry point to the thread.

static THD_FUNCTION(tick_thread, arg) {
 (void) arg;

 int current_alarm = 0;

 chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&SDU1, "Entering tick_thread\r\n"); 

 setup_timer();  /* setup timer for continuous runing compare mode */
 set_ccr_tim5(0, alarms[current_alarm]); /* set the first alarm */
 current_alarm ++;
 while (1) {
   chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&SDU1, "Waiting for mail\r\n"); 
   timer_tick_t t;
   bool r = block_mail(&t);
   if (r) { 
     chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&SDU1, "Got mail: %u\r\n", t.tick);
   } else {
     chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&SDU1, "Got mail: Error\r\n");

   if (current_alarm < 5) {
     set_ccr_tim5(0, alarms[current_alarm++]);

This thread starts out by giving itself a name (not relevant or required). Then it runs setup_timer and set_ccr_tim5 to schedule the first alarm. The thread then goes into an infinite loop that waits for mail by the mailbox. When mail arrives it prints a message depending on the success or failure of the mail delivery and then schedules the next alarm (if there are any more alarms to schedule).


The main function in this case just does some setup. and then goes into an infinite loop that prints "hello world" twice per second. It also prints the current value of the counter each time it prints "hello world", just for fun.

There are two relevant pieces of initialization in the main function:

  /* Initialize the memory-pool for tick messages */
  chPoolLoadArray(&tick_pool, tick_storage, MAX_MESSAGES);
  /* initialize mailbox */
  chMBObjectInit(&mb, box_contents, MAX_MESSAGES);

The chPoolLoadArray function, as I understand it, adds all the objects of the tick_storage array to a kind of "free list" managed by the pool.

And then there's an initialization routine for the mailbox, chMBObjectInit.

There are comments within the function to deal with the rest.

int main(void) {
  sduStart(&SDU1, &serusbcfg);

   * Activates the USB driver and then the USB bus pull-up on D+.
   * Note, a delay is inserted in order to not have to disconnect the cable
   * after a reset.
  usbStart(serusbcfg.usbp, &usbcfg);

  /* Initialize the memory-pool for tick messages */
  chPoolLoadArray(&tick_pool, tick_storage, MAX_MESSAGES);
  /* initialize mailbox */
  chMBObjectInit(&mb, box_contents, MAX_MESSAGES);

  /* Give the user some time to hook up a usb cable 
     or to connect a terminal */ 

  /* start the ssm tick thread */
  thread = chThdCreateStatic(&thread_wa, sizeof(thread_wa), /* working area */
                 (tprio_t)(NORMALPRIO-20),     /* priority */
                 tick_thread,                  /* thread function */
                 NULL);                        /* argument */
  while(true) {

    chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&SDU1, "Hello world: %u \r\n", tim5->CNT); 

  return 0; //unreachable


Things to figure out as future work:

  1. Is it also possible to set an interrupt when the counter wraps around? If that is possible, how can we tell the difference between a "normal" (the set alarm time) and this overflow interrupt?
  2. Different capture/compare modes, can we compare for >= instead of just =. I think this is the case, but more reading of the STM32F4 reference manual is needed.

The end

Thanks for reading, I hope you found something interesting. The full source code is available on github. If you have questions or comments I would be very happy to hear them.

Have a great day!


Please contact me with questions, suggestions or feedback at blog (dot) joel (dot) svensson (at) gmail (dot) com or join the google group .

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