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Bo Joel Svensson
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Programming of ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers - Part 1 - Hard-fault on reset and some GPIO

In the previous post I tried to get some code written in assembly to run on my STM32F4-Discovery. Now, this confuses me a lot, but I was able to run that code in a GDB session against the board but after a reset the MCU kept ending up in a "hard-fault".

The fix of this problem is what is really confusing me. To make it work the reset_handler should have a .thumb_func directive before it. Like this:

    ldr r0, =_estack
    mov sp, r0
    ldr r0, =_dstart
    ldr r1, =_dend

    sub r2,r1,r0
    cmp r2, #0
    beq main

    ldr r1, =_flash_dstart

Note In this version of the reset handler I am checking if there are more than 0 bytes to copy to ram, if not it jumps to label main. This check was not present in the previous post.

The .thumb_func directive before reset_handler has a very subtle effect. To see the effect let's look at some objdump output.

Without .thumb_func

08000000 <vtable>:
 8000000:   20020000    .word   0x20020000
 8000004:   08000012    .word   0x08000012
 8000008:   00000000    .word   0x00000000
 800000c:   08000010    .word   0x08000010

08000010 <hard_fault_handler>:
 8000010:   e7fe        b.n 8000010 <hard_fault_handler>

08000012 <reset_handler>:
 8000012:   4811        ldr r0, [pc, #68]   ; (8000058 <done+0x2>)

With .thumb_func

Disassembly of section .text:

08000000 <vtable>:
 8000000:   20020000    .word   0x20020000
 8000004:   08000013    .word   0x08000013
 8000008:   00000000    .word   0x00000000
 800000c:   08000011    .word   0x08000011

08000010 <hard_fault_handler>:
 8000010:   e7fe        b.n 8000010 <hard_fault_handler>

08000012 <reset_handler>:
 8000012:   4811        ldr r0, [pc, #68]   ; (8000058 <done+0x2>)

Now if you look at the second line of the vtable it says 8000004: 08000012 .word 0x08000012 without .thumb_func and 8000004: 08000013 .word 0x08000013 with it. What this line is supposed to be is a pointer to the reset_handler function. But then in both cases the actual address of the reset_handler is 8000012. As I understand it, the least significant bit is actually discarded when reset interrupt invokes the pointer (this may be what happens for all function calls) and the least significant bit has the role of being a flag indicating ARM-mode or Thumb-mode.

Now! This is something I would love some feedback or pointers on because it confuses me extremely. Aren't the Cortex-M MCUs THUMB-only architectures? I mean there is the larger THUMB instruction set for M3 and M4 and a smaller one for M0, and M1. I think these are referred to as Thumb and Thumb2. Those larger Thumb instructions on the M4 for example are 32bit instructions, but they are not the ARM instruction set.

If the paragraph above is true, why would we even need a flag to differentiate between thumb and arm?

Ah, that was a long addendum to the previous post in the series! Let's take a look at some GPIO

Enable GPIO and turn on some LEDs

Now that we can really assemble programs that "work" it would be nice to add some visual feedback to what we are doing. So let's turn on some LEDs!

The complete assembly code listing will be shown further down in the text. First we can take a look at what is added/changed in comparison to the code in the earlier post.

    ldr r1, =0x40023830
    ldr r0, [r1]
    orr r0, 0x1
    str r0, [r1]
    ldr r1, =0x40020000     @ Pointer to PA MODER
    ldr r0, [r1]            @ Value of PA MODER
    orr r0, r0, 0x55        @ PA0 - PA 3 output set 
        str r0, [r1]            @ Write back PA MODER

    ldr r1, =0x40020014     @ PA output data register
    ldr r0, [r1]
    orr r0, r0, 0xF         @ Set all PA0 - PA3 to 1
    str r0, [r1]            @ Write back data register

The code above is split into 3 chunks of related instructions. The first chunk sets a bit in the RCC_AHB1ENR register. This register is located with an offset of 0x30 from the RCC base address which is 0x40023800. This info can be found in the reference manual (linked at the end of this text).

Bit 0 of this RCC_AHB1EN register is called GPIOAEN in the reference manual and setting this bit activates the GPIO A port (the PA pins on the Discovery board).

The second chunk, sets a bit pattern into the MODER register associated with GPIO A. The GPIO A peripheral base address is 0x40020000 and the MODER register is at offset 0. The MODER register associates two bits with each of the GPIO pins of the port. The decimal value 5 is 0101 in binary and thus 0x55 is 01010101 in binary. This pattern sets the 4 GPIO pins PA0 - PA3 into output mode.

The last chunk of code sets the 4 least significant bits of the data output register associated with GPIO A. This register is at offset 0x14 from the GPIO A peripheral base address. This sets PA0 - PA3 high and the LEDs connected there should light up. Note that the discovery board does not have any LEDs on these pins by default so a breadboard and some LEDs will be needed.

Below is the full assembly listing.

        .syntax unified
        .cpu cortex-m4
        .global vtable
        .global reset_handler

        .section .text
        .word _estack
        .word reset_handler
        .word 0
        .word hard_fault_handler

        b hard_fault_handler

        ldr r0, =_estack
        mov sp, r0
        ldr r0, =_dstart
        ldr r1, =_dend

        sub r2,r1,r0
        cmp r2, #0
        beq main

        ldr r1, =_flash_dstart
        ldrb r3, [r1]
        strb r3, [r0] 

        add r1, r1, #1
        add r0, r0, #1
        sub r2, r2, #1
        cmp r2, #0
        bne cpy_loop

        ldr r1, =0x40023830
        ldr r0, [r1]
        orr r0, 0x1
        str r0, [r1]
        ldr r1, =0x40020000     @ Pointer to PA MODER
        ldr r0, [r1]            @ Value of PA MODER

        orr r0, r0, 0x55        @ PA0 - PA 3 output set 
        str r0, [r1]            @ Write back PA MODER

        ldr r1, =0x40020014     @ PA output data register
        ldr r0, [r1]
        orr r0, r0, 0xF         @ Set all PA0 - PA3 to 1
        str r0, [r1]            @ Write back data register
        b done

        .section .data 


Wow! That hard-fault issue was very subtle. Not the easiest thing to google an answer for either as it seems a hard-fault can be just about anything at this stage.

Stay in touch! Have a great day

Additional resources

  1. STM32F405/415 (407/417) (427/437) (429/439) reference manual
  2. STM32F412xG/E reference manual
  3. STM32F405xx STM32F407xx datasheet
  4. STM32F411xC STM32F411xE
  5. STM32 Cortex®-M4 MCUs and MPUs programming manual
  6. vivonomicon


Please contact me with questions, suggestions or feedback at blog (dot) joel (dot) svensson (at) gmail (dot) com or join the google group .

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